Product certification is performed in order to assess the conformity of product characteristics, checking product compliance with technical and legal requirements of a respective market.
The aim is mainly to ensure the appropriate quality and safety of products. Certified products will get a licence which will allow them to use a respective marking (e.g. CE marking).
Product certification involves risk analysis, product testing in an accredited laboratory, comparison of characteristics and monitoring of product quality during the entire validity period of the certificate.
Product certification is recommended to all manufacturing companies that seek to guarantee the required quality and conformity of their products with relevant requirements.
Why to certify your products with us
- Our experienced auditors listen to the needs of their clients
- We will find the best and most economic solution for you
- We will protect your interests at a global level thanks to our international scope of activities
- Testing can be performed as quickly as within two days from the sample receipt
Benefits of Product Certification
- Well-proven product conformity with relevant regulatory requirements and standards
- Greater trust of your clients
- Easy identification of your products
- Enhanced quality of your products
- Improved competitiveness
- Reduced risks and remedy-related costs
Choose a certification
Malzeme testi
Kaynak (WPQR)
Demiryolu taşıtları
GMP - kozmetik
Would you like to learn more about product certification? Choose one of the certificates we offer or contact us and we can discuss further procedures with you.